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How to make check-ins easier for a huge crowd?

Managing check-ins for a large crowd can be a complex task, but with the right strategies and tools, it can be streamlined effectively. Here are some approaches to handle check-ins for a huge crowd:

  • Pre-registration: You can encourage attendees to pre-register for the event to gather their information in advance and expedite the check-in process on the day of the event. You can set up the registrations either through ticketing or simple registration. To know more about registrations read User Registration Policy Types

  • Multiple Check-in Stations: Having multiple check-in stations or counters to distribute the crowd and prevent long queues can make it less chaotic. This allows for faster processing and reduces wait times. Eventify has the provision to assign multiple Admins, who can Manage Attendees from the Admin Dashboard in the apps and check the attendees in.

  • QR Code Scanning: Attendees can collect their profile QR codes from the Kiosks using Kiosk Mode and Admins can check them in even faster by scanning the QR through Admin Dashboard in the apps.

By combining these strategies, you can efficiently manage check-ins for a large crowd, minimize wait times, and ensure a positive attendee experience from the moment they arrive at the event.